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11 2021.01





殷明(博士),教授。清华大学学士(2001)硕士(2004);美国北卡罗莱纳州立大学博士(2009);美国布朗大学博士后(2009~2012);美国布朗大学助理研究教授(2013~2014); 美国犹他大学兼职教授(2014~2020);美国黑岩微系统公司高级工程师(2014~2020);美国布朗大学访问科学家(2018~2020);美国布朗大学技术顾问(2016~2018);瑞士Wyss生物神经工程中心技术顾问(2014~2016)。2021年入选海南省“千人专项”。

发表30余篇国际期刊和会议文章,被引用超过1100次。拥有三项国际专利,一项授权国际专利,撰写两本书章节。拥有16年美国大学和公司科研工作经验。 长期冰球突破致力于植入式,便携式,头置式神经信号记录和刺激系统开发和测试。担任2013第35界国际IEEE生物工程年会脑机接口会场主席。2020年美国国家神经及中风疾病研究院National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke(NINDS)T32职业研讨会主讲(麻省综合医院Massachusetts General Hospital)。



1、M. Yin, D. A. Borton, J. Komar, N. Agha, Y. Lu, H. Li, J. Laurens, Y. Lang, Q. Li, C. Bull, L. Larson, D. Rosler, E. Bezard, G. Courtine, A. V. Nurmikko, “Wireless neurosensor for full-spectrum electrophysiology recordings during free behavior,” Neuron, Dec 4 2014.  DOI:

2、M. Yin, D. A. Borton, J. Aceros, W. R. Patterson, A. V. Nurmikko, “A 100-channel hermetically sealed implantable device for chronic wireless neurosensing applications,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 7, issue 2, pp. 1-14, April. 2013. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TBCAS.2013.2255874.

3、S.B. Lee, M. Yin, J.R. Manns, M. Ghovanloo, “A wideband dual-antenna receiver for wireless recording from animals behaving in large arenas,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. PP, issue 99, pp. 1-14, Feb. 2013.  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/TBME.2013.2247603.

4、D. A. Borton1, M. Yin1, J. Aceros, A. V. Nurmikko, “An implantable wireless neural interface for recording cortical circuit dynamics in moving primates,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 2013 Feb 21;10(2):026010.  DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1741-2560/10/2/026010.

5、M. Yin and M. Ghovanloo, “A low-noise clockless 32-ch simultaneous wireless neural recording system with adjustable resolution,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 66, no.3, pp. 417-431, Nov. 2010.

6、A. V. Nurmikko, J. P. Donoghue, L. Hochberg, W. R. Patterson, Y. K. Song, C.Bull, D. Borton, F. Laiwalla, S. Park, M. Yin, and J. Aceros, “Listening to brain microcircuits for interfacing with external world – progress in wireless implantable microelectronic neuroengineering devices,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 98, issue 3, pp. 375-388, Mar. 2010.  

7、M. Yin and M. Ghovanloo, “Using pulse width modulation for wireless transmission of neural signals in multichannel neural recording systems,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 354-363, Aug. 2009.

8、M. Yin and M. Ghovanloo, “A low-noise clockless 32-ch simultaneous wireless neural recording system with adjustable resolution,” Digest of technical papers IEEE Intl. Solid State Cir. Conf. (ISSCC), pp. 432-433, Feb. 2009.  http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=KE8ShAsAAAAJ

1、植入式神经仪器 -- United States Patent Application PCT/US12/29664
2、多通道植入式无线神经记录的系统和方法 -- USPTO application number:20100106041, USPC class: 600544 (授权)
3、通用神经传感和神经调制应用的刺激记录集成芯片的结构 -- United States application or PCT international application number 63/073,565

1、美国黑岩微系统公司 (Blackrock Microsystems) 无线多通道神经记录仪器和接收机产品开发 (2014~2019)
a) CerePlex W:
http://blackrockneurotech.com/research/wp-content/ifu/LB-0805-CerePlex_W-IFU.pdf (2014~2017)
b) CerePlex Exilis:
http://blackrockneurotech.com/research/wp-content/ifu/LB-0889-CerePlex_Exilis_IFU.pdf (2016~2018)
c) CerePlex Receiver:
http://www.blackrockmicro.com/neuroscience-research-projects/primate-research-systems/#wireless (2014~2017)
d) 冰球突破多通道肌肉刺激器件 (2014~2016)




Yin, Ming (Ph.D.), Professor
Dr. Yin received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees from Tsinghua University in 2001 and 2004. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical and Computer Engineering from North Carolina State University, USA in 2009. After his graduation, he joined the School of Engineering at Brown University as a Postdoctoral Associate, where he became an Assistant Professor Research in 2013. Since later 2014, he was a Senior Engineer at Blackrock Microsystems LLC and served as an Adjunct Assistant Professor of the University of Utah. He also served as technical consultant for Brown University and Wyss Center for Bio and Neuroengineering (Switzerland) from 2016 ~ 2018 and 2014 ~ 2016, respectively.
Dr. Yin published over 30 peer reviewed international journal and conference papers, which were cited over 1100 times. He has 3 US patents with one been bought by company for commercialization and has written two book chapters. Dr. Yin had over 16 years of overseas academic and industrial experience and has been dedicated to implantable, portable, head mounted neural recording and stimulation system development and testing. He has involved in multiple US projects for developing new generation neural engineering technologies. He served as Co-Chair of Brain-computer Interface II Session in the 35th Annual International IEEE EMBS Conference (2013). 2020 National Institute of Neurological Disorders and StrokeNINDST32 career symposium Key-note speaker (Massachusetts General Hospital).

Research Interests
Integrated circuit and system design for low noise low power biomedical applications, wireless implantable biomedical devices, neural recording and stimulation system, brain computer interfaces, instrument and equipment development for diagnosis and treatment of common neurological disorders (epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, stroke, chronic neuropathic pain, etc.).

Selected Publications
▶ M. Yin, D. A. Borton, J. Komar, N. Agha, Y. Lu, H. Li, J. Laurens, Y. Lang, Q. Li, C. Bull, L. Larson, D. Rosler, E. Bezard, G. Courtine, A. V. Nurmikko, “Wireless neurosensor for full-spectrum electrophysiology recordings during free behavior,” Neuron, Dec 4 2014.  DOI:
▶ M. Yin, D. A. Borton, J. Aceros, W. R. Patterson, A. V. Nurmikko, “A 100-channel hermetically sealed implantable device for chronic wireless neurosensing applications,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Circuits and Systems, vol. 7, issue 2, pp. 1-14, April. 2013. DOI:
▶ S.B. Lee, M. Yin, J.R. Manns, M. Ghovanloo, “A wideband dual-antenna receiver for wireless recording from animals behaving in large arenas,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, vol. PP, issue 99, pp. 1-14, Feb. 2013.  DOI:
▶ D. A. Borton1, M. Yin1, J. Aceros, A. V. Nurmikko, “An implantable wireless neural interface for recording cortical circuit dynamics in moving primates,” Journal of Neural Engineering, 2013 Feb 21;10(2):026010.  DOI:
▶ M. Yin and M. Ghovanloo, “A low-noise clockless 32-ch simultaneous wireless neural recording system with adjustable resolution,” Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, vol. 66, no.3, pp. 417-431, Nov. 2010.
▶ A. V. Nurmikko, J. P. Donoghue, L. Hochberg, W. R. Patterson, Y. K. Song, C.Bull, D. Borton, F. Laiwalla, S. Park, M. Yin, and J. Aceros, “Listening to brain microcircuits for interfacing with external world – progress in wireless implantable microelectronic neuroengineering devices,” Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 98, issue 3, pp. 375-388, Mar. 2010.  
▶ M. Yin and M. Ghovanloo, “Using pulse width modulation for wireless transmission of neural signals in multichannel neural recording systems,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. 354-363, Aug. 2009.
▶ M. Yin and M. Ghovanloo, “A low-noise clockless 32-ch simultaneous wireless neural recording system with adjustable resolution,” Digest of technical papers IEEE Intl. Solid State Cir. Conf. (ISSCC), pp. 432-433, Feb. 2009.  

▶ M. Yin, M. Sorenson, R. Franklin, C. Dryden, D. Borton, and M. Powell, “Stimulation and recording ASIC architecture for general neurosensing and neural modulation applications” United States application or PCT international application number 63/073,565Nurmikko, M. Yin, W. Patterson, J. Aceros, D. Borton, C. Bull, and F. Laiwalla, “Implantable wireless neural device” United States Patent Application PCT/US12/29664.
▶ M. Ghovanloo and M. Yin, “Systems and methods for multichannel wireless implantable neural recording,” USPTO application number: 20100106041, USPC class: 600544.

Product Development 

Multi-channel wireless neural recording system and wireless receiver (Blackrock Microsystems) (2014~2019)
a)CerePlex W:
http://blackrockneurotech.com/research/wp-content/ifu/LB-0805-CerePlex_W-IFU.pdf  (2014~2017)

b)CerePlex Exilishttp://blackrockneurotech.com/research/wp-content/ifu/LB-0889-CerePlex_Exilis_IFU.pdf  (2016~2018)

c)CerePlex Receiver: http://blackrockneurotech.com/research/wp-content/ifu/LB-0769-1.00-8-Antenna-Wireless-Receiver-IFU.pdf  (2014~2017)
d)Multi-channel muscle stimulator (2014~2016)
Brown Neural Card (2010~2013)http://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/wireless-implanted-sensor-broadens-range-brain-research

Join Us/Career

Recruit master's, doctoral, postdoctoral and teachers of Biomedical Engineering, electronic engineering, brain science and other related majors. Applicants with medical device and analog-to-digital integrated circuit design background are preferred.